Saturday, January 18, 2014


It is so nice to go out and about and not be alone. I love taking my little buddy with me. This time we stopped at Chick fil a for a bite to eat. She loves the chicken nuggets and fries. And while she enjoyed some water from her sippy cup I got a Dr. Pepper :)

Carly loved that I gave her the box to the fries and she acted like there was still food in there. She would put her hand in the box and then put her hand in her mouth. Silly girl.

This girl loves her daddy. She will wait on the bottom step until he comes down the stairs 
to give her kisses. LOVE.

We bought Carly her own big water bottle. She does great with it and loves that she has one too!

Carly loves when we lay on the floor and she can crawl all over us. Occasionally she will lay her head down on me for just a second. I captured this second.

Carly is in love with string cheese. I give her pieces at a time and she eats it right up. 

It looked like a tornado went through out living room. We call her CARLY. She loves to get into everything and put it all over the place. I took a picture before cleaning it up.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, the life of a mum! Thanks for sharing! Shelby's currently loving string cheese herself. Babies are so fun!
