Monday, June 9, 2014

Things to think about...

There has been a lot on my mind lately. I thought I would take the time to share.
1. Sunshine
2. Move?
3. Primary
4. Gifts
5.  Cuts

I love sunshine. No matter how long I get to be in the sun, I need to see it every day. I know we have a few rainy days here and there, but I can deal with that. I have come to realize that thanking my Heavenly Father for sunshine every now and then doesn't hurt. It makes me stop and appreciate the small things.

Jeremy and I have been looking to move from our town home for quite some time now. Every time we look at a new house, just for rent, it doesn't seem quite right to move. Dang it! I really want to move. I actually have saved all of our boxes because I know the second we throw them away we are going to need them. Oh well, I know by staying here we are saving money and saving money is good.

I have recently been called to serve in our ward Primary. (I help with the children in our church.) I am not going to lie, at first, I wasn't thrilled about it. I looked forward going to Relief Society (the women organization in our church)  every week. That was my time I had to spend with the other women in our church and get to talk with them and be taught. The past few weeks, I have been able to have a better appreciation for primary and being with the children. I am not the teacher, they are definitely teaching me. I love that a three year old knows their Heavenly Father loves them and how Families are Forever.

I seriously have a problem. I love shopping and shopping for gifts for people. Since I have a husband that doesn't like receiving gifts, I have become obsessed with finding any way to buy something for others. I always tell my husband 'what a great deal' I got on the items. I sent three packages and one letter today. I was super excited to send these. I would have to blame my mother for this obsession. Whenever we see her she is always pulling out new clothes for her grand babies.

I have another serious problem. If I have an object in my hand, and there is any chance that I could cut myself with it, it happens. I was handling some glass from a picture frame today, yes, it cut my finger. I know I need to be more careful, but I try! No matter what, my fingers always get the worst of it.

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