Wednesday, March 19, 2014

13 months

Here are a few things about Carly that come to mind.

Carly loves to play with her toys. She will go from her fisher price stride to ride puppy, to her Fisher price wheelies loops n' swoops amusement park, to the big stuffed animal elephant, to the stairs.

Carly loves books. There is a bin of books in the living room. She loves to go through them and look through books. She knows how to turn pages.

Carly loves to eat. Lately she loves strawberries, bananas (She can eat an entire banana in one sitting), frozen peas, frozen carrots, avocado toast, kiwi, bagels.

Carly loves to imitate us. She is picking up on things that Jeremy and I do. She can comb her hair when we give her a comb. She found her shoes and tried to put them on yesterday. She loves to drink from a cup. She finds her headbands and tries to put them on her head by herself.

Carly can go up and down the stairs. I am so grateful because I am tired of being scared she is just going to fall down the stairs.

Carly has 8 teeth. Poor girl. I think she is getting another one too. She was chewing on the sleeve of her pajamas this morning. Her nose is running like crazy. She is waking up at night. She is taking more naps and is eating a ton.

Carly loves walks. Yesterday she was crawling around just whining while I was putting her clothes away in her closet. I put her in the stroller and we went for a walk. The second she got in her stroller she started giggling. She knew what was about to happen.

She LOVES outside. When she sits on the couch and the curtains are open, she just stares outside. When we go outside she just has this huge smile on her face.

She LOVES seeing herself. Anytime she sees herself in the mirror she just smiles. Anytime I show her a picture of herself she goes crazy and wants to hold it.

Carly loves to stand up using things. She doesn't really show any interest in walking though. She does walk along the couch and the table. But she won't even walk using our hands for support. She just drops to her bottom. Silly girl.

Carly loves to feed Jeremy. We had a box of cheese-its and Carly would stick her little arm in the box and pull out some crackers to feed Jeremy. She wouldn't even feed herself until Jeremy would tell her to have some too. Then she would go back to giving Jeremy some crackers. Cutest thing.

I just love these two! 

Sharing an apple. She loves taking bites of things.

Carly loves putting the cars on the road.
She loves standing up using the table.

We're working on the whole spoon thing...
and how to keep your plate on the tray. She loves picking up her plate and dumping it.

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