Thursday, December 19, 2013

10 Months old!

Carly is 10 months old now. 
This baby has more style than me! I got the ideas from this blog

Crazy changes happening with her. Even in the past week!

We now have a crawler. The first day she would go about two feet and then drop to her belly. Now she follows us from room to room. She was a happy baby before, but now she is SO happy because she can get anywhere. 
Trying to stand up on the couch.
Carly can say dada and mama. She LOVES to say dada though. That's what I usually hear during the day when she is playing...'dadadada...dadadada'

Changes in appearance: Carly's hair is getting longer and longer by the day. She is getting skinnier and skinnier by the day because of how active she is. She still has those big blue eyes! :)

Not very happy. 
Doesn't want her picture taken anymore. She just wants to crawl away.
When Jeremy gets home from work for dinner, Carly follows him from the living room into the kitchen and pulls on his pant leg until he picks her up. :) This was fine until she reached down and popped a HUGE strawberry in her mouth and clenched down her teeth so he couldn't get it out! Scared us both. 

Activities and Experiences:  Carly has been to two different Christmas celebrations. One for our Relief Society and one for our ward Christmas Party. She loved the Christmas Party because she could eat anything on my plate. She did keep a green bean in her mouth for a while. A lady asked if she could have Carly for a bit, I just warned her that she still had a green bean in her mouth. Sure enough! When we got home that night and I gave her a bath, all the sudden I see a green bean floating around! haha. She had it in her mouth that whole time! Silly girl.
We have started baby proofing. First thing was a ribbon on the tv stand.
Favorites: Carly loves to click her tongue. She will crawl around and that is all I hear. 'click click click'. Carly also loves cords. Any time she sees a cord she crawls to it and plays with it, our lamp cord, the laptop cord, our printer cord. Carly loves to turn on and off the ps3. She can get up on her knees just at the right height to hit the button. 

Happy happy 10 month old.

Sleeping: Carly goes to bed at 7:30p.m. and is now waking up at 7a.m. She will play for a little bit and then go back to sleep for a few more hours. Then she'll take a nap at 2:30ish. Then be up until bedtime at 7:30p.m. I am still SO glad she is sleeping through the night. :) 
Believe it or not, Carly has gotten so much smaller now that she can crawl.
We pick her up and say "where did all your chub go?"

Eating: Carly loves to eat avocado, blueberries, bread, eggs, cheese, Gerber puffs, baby 3rd foods, frozen peas, frozen corn, bagels, veggie straws, cooked sweet potatoes, 

Just this past week Carly has decided she is done nursing. She has done this before when she was teething. But her refusal didn't last this long. At least this time she is refusing to nurse, it's not her only source of food. I now pump as much as I can (which isn't much anymore) and she drinks that from a bottle. YES A BOTTLE. This baby hasn't taken a bottle since she was a month old so that is a huge relief! I tried formula last night with her, haha, she wasn't a fan. 
She looked at me like, 'what was that mom!' 
Daddy trying to keep her occupied with a belt while we get some pictures taken. She LOVES belts.
Still 4 teeth. One is coming on her top left though.

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