Thursday, February 14, 2013

almost there!!

Yesterday I hit week 39! My doctor told me on Tuesday that he hopes he doesn't see me at my next appointment and that I will have the baby before then. We will see!! 

Baby Update:

Weight Gained: I was weighed on Tuesday at my doctor's appointment and I have gained 40 pounds.

Feeling: I am feeling really good. I only ache every now and then but getting adjusted really REALLY helps with that. Jeremy has become very good at giving me back rubs. :) He's the best!

Food: I really like peanut butter and jelly wraps right now. I also like apple juice and ritz crackers. 

Sleep: Never fails, when I am getting ready for bed I start to get super thirsty. I drink lots of water. Then get up during the night about three or four times to use the bathroom. Usually I can fall right back to sleep. Other times I am up for a few hours and then go back to sleep. 

Best Part: I am almost the smallest pregnant girl in my birthing class and I am due next week! The earliest another girl is due is next month. 

Baby Bump Picture:


  1. Love this post. So cute! Getting adjusted at the chiro totally helps with pregnancy pains.
