Saturday, July 19, 2014

17 months!

Today my baby is 17 months old. 

The count down begins! She goes into nursery in one month! We are so excited about this. I don't mind taking her to class with me, but she is so squirmy and loves to be able to play. This will be perfect.

words: She has started to say 'dad' at every picture she sees of us. She can say shoes, teeth, baby,
Dada, mama, cheese, bath, duck, juice, ball, Jesus, Jack, blanket.

eat: She hasn't been the biggest eater this past week. She ate a lot of Cincinnati Chili (spaghetti with chili on it) when we were at Anton and Breanna's.

I also got a watermelon last week that we are still working on. She LOVES watermelon. I cut it up and put it in a bowl for her. She takes the pieces in one hand and sticks them to her fork to put them into her mouth. Cutest thing.

Carly loves trading me forks. When I am done eating she reaches for my fork and I give it to her, then she hands me her little pink fork. Silly girl.

sleep: She hasn't been sleeping through the night this past week. I'm not sure what is going on. Poor girl. She wakes up just crying :(  We have been getting at least one nap a day. I feel our schedule has been completely thrown off since we went to Denver. She hasn't quite recovered or something. She hasn't slept the same since being home.

play: Carly loves to play with bubbles! She usually just wants to spill them and splash the mess around while I just keep blowing bubbles for her to see.

favorites: Carly loves to turn on our music in our room and dance. Her dancing is now spinning in circles. It is quite hilarious when she spins so much she is dizzy :)

She loves blankets. Some nights she wants all five of her blankets that we have out in her room in order to go to bed.

She loves being outside. We have gone to the park pretty much every day. Even if it's for a half our, it is so nice to let her play and run.

Carly still loves her milk before naps and bed. She likes to hold the lid to the sippy cup as we heat up her milk. And then she likes to close the microwave after we get the sippy cup out.

She is obsessed with closing doors. Anytime we are in a room she will close the door. If we close it she throws a fit, but if she closes it then it's fine.

New experiences: She got embarrassed! The other day we were at the park. She wanted to get closer to this baby that was in a bumbo she so took a step up where the baby was and kind of tripped. The mom caught her by the hand. Carly looked at her and ran away. I followed her and then she just started bawling :( saddest thing. She was fine after I picked her up.

My favorite things she does: She says please! She gives us kisses ALL THE TIME. Probably the cutest thing a kid can do is give their parents kisses. Usually it's when I'm not expecting it and those are the best. Any time we are brushing our teeth, she reaches for her toothbrush and says 'teeth'.

Sometimes she just needs to rest.

I love how she just takes off running in the grass at the park.

I love being her mommy. 

1 comment:

  1. She's a doll! I can't believe she's 17 months! WOW!!! And the only kisses I get from Shelby are the ones I ask for still. And we are still working on please and thank you and excuse me.... You're doing a great job, mom (Krystal!)!
