Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy 16 months Emma!

Yet, another Sunday night has come and I am not tired, due to a nice nap I had this afternoon. :)
So here's to blog posting!

Happy 16 months Emma!
She is looking and acting more and more like a toddler rather than a baby. Which makes me sad because I love the baby stage. But it also makes me excited because of how fun she is! 
Selfie with mommy after church today. 
 New things Emma is doing:

*imitates us (when we cough she will cough, when we yell she will yell back)

*she can sing the itsy bitsy spider. I ask her if she wants to sing a song and she puts her little fingers together for her spider and waits until we start singing. She also loves Wheels on Bus. We were singing it the other day and she was across the room, when we came to 'the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep' she comes running beeping her nose and singing it.

*when she laughs really hard she throws her head back and keeps laughing with her little nose scrunched up and all of her teeth showing.

*she folds her arms to pray! She used to just put her hands together, now she actually folds her arms.

*she can climb onto the kitchen table! Ah. Just this morning, a chair was pulled out just far enough that she climbed onto the chair, and then onto the table and was smelling the flowers when I turned around to see what she was doing. Ah!

*she will blow a kiss and say bye to just about anyone.

*when Carly wakes up in the morning she runs to her door to give her a hug. cutest. thing. ever.

*SLIDES! She goes down the really big twisty slides all by herself at the park now.

*feeds herself with a fork/spoon. She is actually better at it sometimes than Carly!

*Wiggle car. We have this yellow car that she sits on, steers, and goes all by herself.

I asked her to say hi to Emma in the camera. She waved.

I love this drink steelin', sun glass wearin', runny nosed baby.
 Funny story: The other night we asked Emma to go and put her toothbrush away in the bathroom. She didn't come back into Carly's room, so Jeremy went to the bathroom to find her with her arm in the toilet, swishing her toothbrush around. As soon as she saw Jeremy she plopped her toothbrush in her mouth! YUCK! We both laughed but told her not to do it again.
She loves this tunnel at the playground.
She loves crawling through it and turning around right before she gets to the end.
 Sleeping: Emma has been waking up at 5:30-6:00 lately. But then she takes a nap at about 8-9:30 then again at noon when Carly goes down for her nap. Then she is up until 7:00.

Talking: She can say mom, dad, Emma (ma!), prayer, more (she will sign it and say it usually when she wants more milk) bye, hi, thank you

She loves this swing. I spent the last few days outside with the girls.
All Emma wants to do is swing. She runs over, pats the swing and yells for me to put her in.

Emma loves: Carly, bath time, (after dinner we say "Emma bath?!" she runs straight to the bathroom yelling 'ba ba ba!' 

She loves outside, slides, putting things in and taking things out (today at church she had a little water bottle and she put cereal in and dumped it out again and again)

I love this little energizer Emma. I love being her mom and getting kisses from her multiple times a day. She is so kind and so sweet. I love you Emma Jean.

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing/reading the updates..... so big, too fast!
    Hugs and kisses from Oma!!!
