Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wearing mommy's reading glasses. When the missionaries were at our house the other day, the elder had a little Bible he was reading from. Carly was obsessed. Jeremy remembered that he has one. We found it and Carly has been toting it around since. haha.

Pre church naps.
We were definitely spoiled last Sunday morning.
Jeremy didn't have morning meetings and church didn't start until 11:00a.m.! We had so much time to chill before church and sneak in a nap.

Carly throwing a fit at the park. 

November with no coats??!!!! 

Emma loves to push the button on the Leap Frog Alphabet and it sings Wheels on the Bus. She sings along with it and rolls her arms.

She was so proud of herself for putting stickers all over her baby. She crawled on the couch to show us.

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