Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I came downstairs to this :) Jeremy's allergies were acting up and so he and Carly snuggled on the couch to take a snooze.

Carly grabbed her toy! Usually I would have to put it in her hand myself. This time she just grabbed it with both hands and stuck it in her mouth! Thank you Lona Garrett for the toy!

Carly was going cross-eyed while looking at her toy.

throwing a fit on daddy's lap :)

If Carly is awake in her car seat, this is how we find her. She doesn't like to lay back, she holds her head up. She has also started sucking on her straps to her car seat. yum!

I went on a walk with Carly and this is what kept her quiet the whole time. haha.

After a long afternoon of shopping with mommy for daddy's Father's Day presents, Carly is sleepy :)

I LOVE when she falls asleep on me. precious.
We were able to help open up Grandpa and Grandma's pool.

Silly daddy, you better hold on tight!
Carly doesn't know what to think about the cold water.
Carly rocking the Ohio State onesie along with Aunt Dana's bonnet. She isn't sure what to think about the bonnet. It helps if it stays out of her eyes.


  1. She needs to get in Poppa's and gramma's pool... :)....and she will !! lol...cute pics...

  2. She is just so CHUNKY! I LOVE it.
    And I am glad Jeremy has a tight grip on her, I remember one to many times of Jeremy "accidently" letting go, which resulted in my at the bottom of the pool.

  3. ha, not like that picture of Jeremy couldn't get you in trouble with social services! haha, just kidding :) I love the one of Carly chewing on her shoulder strap.
