Thursday, September 19, 2013

7 months today!

Carly is 7 months old today!

Changes in Appearance: Carly's bald spot on the back of her head is almost gone! She sleeps on her back and that is the only time she is on it now since she sits up most of the time or is on her belly. Carly also has cut her first TWO teeth! She cut her first one on Sunday. I found this out by letting her chew on my finger. I thought "ouch! that was kind of sharp!" then I looked and saw a tooth! Now she has the other one right beside it coming in too. Jeremy also thinks she has become more rollie. haha.

Activities and Experiences: Probably the biggest experience she has had was moving! She has been so good about the big change in our lives. It is fun to see her notice when I put new pictures up on the walls. She just stares at them.

Carly now has eaten rice cereal, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, green beans, and pears. She has done really well with all of these and no reaction to any of them other than she poops normal now. haha. poor girl. And boy does it stink!  She eats at least three times a day. Once in the morning Jeremy will feed her and at least two other times with me.

Favorites: Carly loves to splash in the bath tub. She isn't always on her back anymore because she can sit up now and play. But when I lay her back to wash her body, she kicks and kicks and splashes all over! It is really cute.

Carly loves it when people notice her at the store. She will stare at them until they look at her and then if they start to talk to her she will smile. haha. The other day we were at the store. There was a couple that had been watching her for a minute or so and she was just staring back with no reaction. Then the lady told me that I had a very pretty little girl. I said thank you and I looked at Carly and she had the biggest smile on her face. Then the lady said, oh is that what you wanted to hear?! haha. Silly Carly.
When she gets really excited she extends her legs and feet like this :) So cute.

Carly loves walks. We live really close to a nice park that has a trail that I can take Carly's stroller on. We also live by a really nice neighborhood that Carly and I go walking in too. We are gone about a good forty-five minutes and the whole time she just sits and chills in her stroller. Unless it is cold out and I didn't know just how cold it was until I felt her halfway through our walk and she was just staring at me. Giving me no smiles. Just stares. oops. The next day I made sure to have hat, jacket, pants, and socks on, with a blanket wrapped around her. Thank goodness it wasn't as cold! I took off most of that while walking.

Achievements: Carly can just sit and play by herself. Every now and then she likes it when I play with her. This is how I get things done though. I prop her up with lots of toys or her bows in reach and she just plays.

Carly has also been able to get from sitting up position to her belly. She doesn't really mean to always to do. Sometimes it's more graceful than others. It usually happens when she is reaching for a toy that is out of her reach and plop! she goes right to her belly. She has only cried a few times because she whacks her cheek. Other than that, I just watch her go from sitting to on her belly. It is cute to watch.
Carly has chewed on her fingers more in the past few days than every before! yayyy for teeth!

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