Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Why do I do this to myself?

I have made a goal to get out every day. As a stay-at-home mom it is crucial to my sanity to get out of the house! Daily. Either it is just going on a walk, to the grocery store, to the mall, to the park, splash pad, anything just to get out. I do this with Carly, my little side kick, after Jeremy has gone to work.

Why do I do this to myself?

I ask myself that every time Carly is throwing a fit in the middle of Old Navy because I won't take her out of the cart. Or when we are driving home and she is just screaming her little heart out because she is tired or hungry or just wants her dang shoes off. She does not like riding in the car with her shoes on. If I forget this, I regret it as soon as we are at the first stop light and she starts trying to get them off and she can't.

I have spent more money on last minute 'help me' foods lately because of it. Yesterday, for instance, she was just whining all through Target. I bought an ice cream Drumstick to eat on the way home. Today after our Old Navy tantrum I stopped at McDonald's and got myself a chocolate milkshake. No I did not share. I have tried really hard not to share my sugar with Carly and today I didn't feel bad for not sharing.

Mind you, I love being a mom and it is the best thing to have her blow kisses at me as she walks by. Or to hear her start singing all by herself because after we read our scriptures and say our prayers at night she knows we sing songs before she goes to bed. She also folds her arms when we say prayer! cutest thing ever. These little things do make up for the crazy toddler I take out of the house every day.

I thought to myself today, maybe she is just a home-body. She just likes being home. Then I thought, no she just likes to embarrass me. And that my people, she learned from her daddy.

So tonight after putting her to bed, I sit and watch my show. Do dishes need to be done? Of course. Does laundry need to be put away? You bet ya! Oh well. Jeremy just knows it's been a rough day when he walks in and nothing is done. He understands :) and I love him for that.

This picture was taken tonight.  I opened up the dryer and showed her all of her clean blankets. She wanted all of them to go to bed. Silly girl. But it made her happy!
man i love this girl

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