Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Emma is 3 months and Easter pictures...

Today is picture day! Two reasons: Emma is 3 months old today! And we didn't get pictures in their cute matching dresses yet. 

Our sweet Emma. Please stop growing!

Sisters. Carly's not so sure about lying next to Emma anymore. Emma now can grab her hair.
Carly's dress was given to her from Grandma Heidi. She bought it when Carly was first born hoping it would fit her later. It is perfect! It goes with Emma's dress!

They are just so beautiful. Perfection.

kisses for Emma!

Carly smiley, Emma crying. oh well.

Don't worry, Carly knows how to help! She loves to give Emma her pacifier. She asks first.

Three month sticker and her giraffe.

This girl is so smiley.

First time doing this was this morning. I put both her hands on her new toy (from Easter) and she put it right in her mouth.

I love my blue eyed baby. 

Emma loves: sleeping, eating, Carly, swaddled, napping with mom, sleeping in her bassinet, belly time, being propped to see mom when she does things, music, noise, bath time, to smile, being held, car seat, her bouncer.

Emma doesn't really care for: her head being touched, laying down, left alone (she would rather be in the room with all the noise and people) getting out of baths, her nails cut, being hungry.

Sleeping: Emma only gets up twice a night! Sometimes even once. We are best friends on those days. Like the other night I was so so so sick. She only woke up once. :) She knew mommy needed her sleep. Like I said, she loves her sleep.

Words to describe Emma: precious, happy, alert, curious, angel baby, skinny (she is no chunk like what Carly was), wiggly, smiley.

our little burrito. She loves to be swaddled and her pacifier to go to sleep.
(Carly didn't like either of those!)

Easter dress! this was actually Carly's first Easter dress. So glad they are about the same size for the right seasons.

I had to put a sad one. Just look at that sad face! 



  1. ohmygosh!!! She cannot be 3 months old already !!!! LOVE the pics ! (any for my wall? or dad's office? :) ). Thanks for posting..... miss our babies....

  2. Really cannot believe she is 3 months already!!! These pictures are precious!!!
