Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My 1st Mother's Day

All week Jeremy kept teasing me about my Mother's Day present. He kept asking me when I wanted it. I told him to either to stop teasing me about the present or to just give it to me!

On Friday, I didn't have a very good day. Jeremy was gone all day. The house was about 77 degrees because our air conditioning broke and it was raining. That meant, I was stuck inside all day with Carly and we couldn't even go on a walk.

After we ate dinner, Jeremy asked if we could go on a quick walk. My parents watched Carly while Jeremy and I walked down to the barn to feed the kitten. Jeremy then walked on the other side of the barn. I didn't want to follow him because I'm not a fan of the barn. He asked me to come on the other side or he would come back and get me. I walked over to him very slowly. Then he pointed to the wall, "he look at that wall it's pretty cool". I said, "yeah, it's old" Then he pointed to the shelves and did the same thing, "look at those shelves". Then I thought, okay Jeremy is trying to get me to see something. I look and find a KITCHEN AID stand mixer on the shelves.

Jeremy looked at me and said, "I wanted to make this Mother's Day special since it is your first." I started crying. He told me it was okay and began explaining the really good deal he got on the kitchenaid. I just was NOT expecting it at all. Now I know why he couldn't be quiet about it all week. He was just SOOO exciting to give it to me.

I am a proud owner of a brand new RED KitchenAid stand mixer. I love it. Jeremy got it down for me to look at it. He also got a shredder/slicer and a grinder that attach to the Kitchen Aid. I told him he didn't have to get me this because the deal was he would get me it when we buy a house.

I carried the mixer and shredder/slicer into the house and said, "look what I found in the barn!" Jeremy hadn't even told my parents. He kept it a secret from my family. That way I was the first to tell them.

On Mother's Day, Jeremy surprised me and made me breakfast food after I woke up from my nap. He went outside and picked some flowers and brought them into our room. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked it!! He was soooo excited when he got it for you :)
