Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thank you!

Last Wednesday I came home and on our doorstep was a package to me! I hurried up, put Carly inside, ran outside and got it to open it. I read the little card that was on the outside and said, "awww". Then I opened up the box :)

 Thank you Heidi for the purple flowers! They are adorable and I love them. The pot that they came in look like rain boots, too cute!

On Mother's Day my mom and dad gave me my present from them.
These both will come in handy :) I love candy and subway.

This is a flower pot with Carly's feet on it! Super cute. Mom and dad had to have Jeremy take me out of the house so they could hurry up and paint Carly's feet while she screamed for them :)

Mother's Day was more than I expected. We went to a different church to watch Franki receive an award. There were some really nice people there. I didn't know I would feel so happy from hearing "Happy Mother's Day" from people I had just met. :) Being a mom is the best!

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