Thursday, May 9, 2013

Family update :)

We went on a 'fast' walk down the road. This is how Carly fell asleep in her stroller.

One of the outfits we got from Lin and Cathy!! We love them! Carly's shirt says 'Mommy's Sweetie'.

Carly didn't really enjoy the adult session of Stake Conference. We spent it in the Relief Society room listening to it. She fell asleep on Jeremy. :)
This is what happens when Carly sucks on her binky. It leaves a ring around her mouth :)

I tried to prop Carly up on her boppy to get a few pictures of her. This outfit came from Pauline Sainsbury. THANK YOU. See how she has a hold of her skirt? She did that all day! She kept grabbing it.
Carly now stares at designs on things. Jeremy had a shirt on the other day that had a logo on it. She stared at it while he was holding her. She also stares at her burp cloths that have designs on them too. 

See what I mean? Carly can't sit still in her boppy and ends up like this because she doesn't have any balance yet.
 Carly now uses both hands to rub her eyes. I need to get a video of it. When I go in to get her out of her crib, she is rubbing her eye. She doesn't use both hands at the same time yet, but she has used her left and her right hand. Jeremy thinks she needs to be left handed because he is left handed. He always sticks her left hand in her mouth.
The face she gives me a lot of the time while I take pictures of her. haha.
 Carly sucks on her hands as well. We can hear it through the baby monitor, that is how loud it is when she sucks on her hand. The other night I put her down in her crib and she stuck her hand right in her mouth and started sucking on it. She was asleep in a couple of minutes.
I LOVE the rolls on her arms :)

Carly 'sitting' up!
 What has Jeremy been up to? REMODEL. My parents are remodeling three rooms in their house. Jeremy helps out a lot.

Jeremy hard at work!

Jeremy wondering why I keep taking pictures of him. :)

This is what I have been up to lately. It has taken me a good three weeks to do. It is our mother's day present to my mom. It is a 27 in. x 40 in. frame with about 180 pictures of events that have happened since 2001. I did another collage when I was a Senior in high school for mom. The earliest dated picture on this collage goes back to 2000. A lot has happened in the Keller family. We gave it to mom because we finished it early.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures you share of Carly and little tidbits. You are such a great mom to keep track of every thing. I used to be that way! :) I love the collage for your mom, too. I will have to go up and see it in person soon. I loved the last one that was hanging up.
