Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Wow! I cannot believe we have been married for three years.

A few things that come to my mind that I have learned about Jeremy since being married:

He thinks he is left handed but does everything right handed. For instance, today we were both cutting our steak with our right hand and feeding ourselves with our left hand. I told him usually people cut with their dominant hand. haha.

He is truly my best friend. I have truly been blessed to have found him. Having someone that knows everything about you. And you get to share everything with them. It is truly a blessing.

Jeremy will occasionally eat pizza because it is my favorite food. I love this about him. After being married for a few months and always having pizza on Friday nights he asked if we could have something else. WHAT?! We always have pizza on Friday nights!!! haha. Well having pizza every Friday has changed but he does enjoy it every now and then with me :)

Jeremy is actually a clean person. Carly and I were gone for two weeks and we come home to a super clean house and freshly baked bread! Boy was that a good and delicious surprise.

He is a craft table hater. I have this craft table that I bought to do my crafts on. HA. Do I ever do my crafts on it?! No, it is the table that has crafts piled on top of it which makes no room to actually do projects on it. He has been after me for months to get this figured out. Why have a six foot table if it's just piled with things? My goal is to organize my scrapbook paper, pictures, paints, fabric, sewing machine, markers, paper cutter, old shirts to make Carly dresses nice and neat so he can like the craft table.

Anyways, I love this man more than I could have imagined. I appreciate the little things he does for me every day (getting my toothbrush ready, making the bed, driving the old Camry so I can have air conditioning). I love how he is a hard worker. He is constantly trying to improve himself which makes me want to be a better wife to him. I love you Jeremy. :)

Happy 3 years Husband!!!

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