Sunday, August 24, 2014

18 months old!

This girl is now 18 months old. She is such a joy to have in our little family. 

Carly loves to watch shows in the morning. Her favorite show right now is Sid the Science Kid on pbs. She loves to chew on the corner of her blankets. She does a few new things lately. She can drink from a regular cup all by herself. She can feed herself yogurt, oatmeal, and cereal with her own bowl and spoon for breakfast. 

Carly loves raspberries. We bought some this week and she ate them all. 

She had her 18 month check up. Of course she had an ear infection because she is cutting two more teeth. She now has twelve teeth and two more coming. She is in the 86th percentile in height and weight. Her doctor says she is a square now. 

Carly is getting more snuggly which we love. She grabs Jack, her stuffed animal, and a blanket and wants to snuggle on the couch. LOVE. 

Carly loves pancakes, pasta, cheese, corn, peas, bananas, apple sauce, anything with ketchup or ranch or barbecue sauce. She won't eat her eggs unless we put ketchup on them. She will sit and point to the fridge and wait until we get the ketchup out. She still loves her sippy cups with milk in them before going to bed. 

Carly loves to play in the dishwasher and find her dishes. She loves to read books and is constantly sitting on our laps to read them. She loves Good Night Moon, The Paper Bag Princess, and her highlight books. She also likes to read her Book of Mormon every night. She likes to look at the pictures. She still loves to go outside. She would rather walk around than to be in her stroller. She loves to dance and sing songs. We sang Wheels on the Bus in nursery (church class she goes to now that she is 18 months!) and she rolled her arms all this week wanting to sing.

Words she can say: puppy, dog, bye, hi, train, PLEASE (she says this all the time when she wants something, it is so hard for Jeremy to say no when she says it peas! peas! peas!). Carly likes to say 'sshhh' when a baby is crying and puts her finger over her lips. She still barks at most animals. She can tweet like a bird, meow like a kitten, says choo-choo when she hears a train, 

She loves to smell flowers. Even if they are fake. We were walking through Hobby Lobby the other day and she stopped to smell the fake flowers. 

She is definitely a girly girl. She loves to help me put on my makeup. She loves to put lotion on and smells her hands. She loves to take off my necklaces and put them on her. She loves to wear her cute little sunglasses. 

Anytime we have some food, she opens up her mouth and says 'ah ah'. We can't help but laugh because it is so cute. Usually she doesn't even see what we have, she just knows we are eating something. 

Some days I feel she decides 'today I want to be a destroyer!' and destroys anything she can get her hands on. While we were at Hobby Lobby I was trying to pick out a stencil to use to paint my curtains. She took a whole stack of stencils, threw them on the floor, and took off running. I asked her to come and help me pick them up. She giggled the whole way while walking toward me. Then she found the paint that was in the isle and put some of those on the floor and ran to the next isle. Oh my goodness. I was so done shopping.

Our big girl with her new big girl pajamas on.

At the splash pad this week.

She is definitely a 'people watcher' like her daddy.

snuggling with daddy :) I just love these two!

She looks so big to me! 

I just love LOVE being this little girl's mom. She brings so much joy to me. I love how much she learns and how she loves life. I love her smiles, her kisses, her giggles, and snuggles. I thank my Heavenly Father for giving her to me to help raise her. 
I love you Carly Ann. 

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