Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I went in for an ultrasound today. With being 40 weeks I was pretty positive everything was going to look just fine and they were going to tell me my induction date. WRONG! The first thing the ultrasound technician said was 'well baby is head up'. I was like 'what?!!!' And then I started to get really sad. I told her that the last three doctors have checked and said that she was head down. The technician asked if I have felt her flip at all. I said that she moves a ton anyways so I didn't notice anything different. The technician finished measuring baby and fluids. Everything else looks great. So that's good. She did say I was measuring at small at 38 weeks and that baby is measuring 7 pounds 7 ounces.

I then talked to my doctor. He said that I have two options at this point. 1. they can try and turn her 2. I will have a c section. I told him I really don't want a c section if I can help it. I am scheduled for them to try and turn her tomorrow morning at 8a.m. He also told me things that could happen when trying to flip her. If it doesn't work we will schedule a c section. It might break my water while they flip her. It might start contractions and put me into labor. It also might cause her heart rate to change or the umbilical chord could get wrapped around her. They will do an ultrasound before and after to make sure everything is safe. They will have a monitor on her heart. If she is turned safely then we will schedule an induction for next Wednesday (41 weeks).

After talking with the doctor and scheduling my appointment for tomorrow morning Jeremy called me from work. I was pretty upset at this point. I wanted him with me. And I didn't think this was going to happen. The doctor's all said that she was ready and head down. Well, things change fast! And she has flipped. Jeremy reminded me that things happen for a reason and that everything will be okay. After talking with people and letting them know that she hasn't come today (her due date) I am reminded that at the end, I will have my beautiful baby girl and everything will be okay. People have c sections all the time! No worries.

The picture on the left is the ultrasound at 24 weeks. The picture on the right is from today at 40 weeks. I would say that she has gained a little weight! She has chubby cheeks!:) aaahhh. So excited to meet this little girl.


  1. Hang in there, little momma! Sending prayers your way.

  2. Praying for a safe delivery for you and that precious baby girl; and for a smooth transition into becoming a family of four.
