Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Today is her due date

Today is baby girl #2's due date! oh my goodness.

Well I have been up since 3. I think I kind of woke myself up when I got a drink of water. I wake up to use the bathroom a few times a night and sometimes I am just SO thirsty. I usually can go right back to sleep. Today I laid in bed for 35 minutes tossing and turning. My sides get really sore if I lay on them for too long. I was also really hungry. I didn't eat right before going to bed.

I had a doctor's appointment last Friday. I was dilated to a 2-3. This was a surprise because last time I wasn't dilated at all and I hadn't had any timeable contractions. I have them every couple of hours. The doctor scheduled an ultrasound (which I will have later today at 9!) to check the baby and fluids and then we will go from there. I felt like the doctor is leaving it up to me, but a lot probably depends on the ultrasound today. Jeremy looked at the doctor and said 'oh she's done being pregnant'. haha

This pregnancy I have definitely felt the baby more. Up in my ribs more. (If I drop something I don't even try and get it. It kills to try and bend down.) She is also down in my pelvic area more. Instead of a cute little kick, it's more like a rumble in my belly. She is constantly moving. Of course, until someone goes to feel her move she stops. I know, Carly was my calm baby inside and outside the womb. I am in for a treat with this one. :)

I am pretty excited about the whole labor/delivery part of things. One, because I have already been through it. Two, because I cannot wait until I meet this little girl. I am a bit nervous because reading up on labor and delivery just to refresh my memory, there are so many possibilities that could happen. I remember when I was reading before I had Carly, I kind of skimmed over the whole forceps and vacuum part. Not even thinking that we would have to use any of that during delivery. I did end up having forceps with Carly.

I was writing in my journal last night about how I have carried this baby for nine months and now I finally (any day now) get to meet her. Nine months is a VERY long time to carry a baby. It has gone by really fast because I wasn't just worried about me all the time. My time was focused on Carly.

I am excited to see what she looks like. I am excited to see how big and long she is. I am excited to see how Carly will do with her. I am SO excited for when Carly gets to meet her. Carly is already obsessed with babies. I just hope she is still okay with us bringing home one. :) Lately she has been 'changing' her stuffed animal Jack. She lays him on the floor and wipes him with a wipe and puts a diaper under him. haha. It's so stinkin cute.

Hopefully my next post will be about the delivery! We will see.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read all about her, Carly meeting her, and how it all went at a later date. Best wishes! I hope for you to have a smooth delivery and prayers for momma and baby to be healthy. Ps-we had to use the vacuum and forceps both for my Carly :((
