Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy 2 months Emma!

I can't believe I have had this precious little girl in our family for 2 months already. Time is flying! I think I am holding her longer, and not getting upset when she wakes up at night, taking my time getting her dressed and picking out her clothes. Since Emma is my second, I realize just how fast time flies!

Sleeping: Emma sleeps off and on all day. Some days it seems as though she is up all day. Some days it seems as though she can't get enough sleep. She gets up twice a night. Usually sleeping 3-4 hours, wakes up for an hour, and then sleeps 3-4 more hours. I can handle this! I have found a show that I enjoy watching and so when she is wide awake at two in the morning we go downstairs and watch our show until she is fast asleep. I also love this time in the middle of the night because it's the only time that it's just me and Emma. We usually are up every morning by 7:30 with Carly.

Eating: Emma is not the eater like Carly was. I felt Carly would suck every ounce of milk out of me. With Emma, she just eats about 10 minutes and then is satisfied. This is very different to adjust to. When Carly would cry, I would just feed her. If Emma cries she either wants to be held, swaddled, walked around, pacifier, or is so tired she can't quite get comfortable.

Health: She is a healthy baby except at the moment she has this mucusy cough. It is horrible. She has thrown up a lot lately just trying to get this stuff out of her throat. She wakes up just so upset and screaming because she is coughing. :( saddest thing ever. Usually she is really happy, and seeing her so upset is really sad. She has been sleeping in her cars seat so she is upright and doesn't choke when trying to cough up this mucus.

Favorite: She loves to be held. Emma loves her pacifier. Emma loves sleeping in her car seat. She loves noise! I am not kidding. We could be watching basketball and as soon as we shut off the tv she wakes up. Carly has thrown screaming fits and Emma sleeps right through it. Emma loves church. Well, she sleeps right through it!

Clothes: She is in 0-3 month clothes. I have gotten out her 3 month outfits and sleepers so she doesn't pass up wearing them. I am seriously going to get rid of a bunch of clothes because I always pick my three favorite outfits and that's what she ends up wearing all week. We do lots of laundry due to her throwing up all over.

Hair: She has dark hair on the back of her head by her neck. Her eyelashes are coming in nice and long. I love them. The hair on top of her head is a dark blonde color. .

Eyes: Emma has beautiful blue eyes.

Changes: Emma has started to coo when we talk to her. She has this cute little squeal too.

Baby things I absolutely love: Emma's hand lint, Emma's coos, Emma's gum smiles, how she is so innocent, and how I can't spoil her!

I love being Emma Jean's mommy. It is so fun to learn what she likes and dislikes. She is just so precious.

here is what Carly looked like at 2 months

1 comment:

  1. I think Emma looks so much like you! And I love the difference between the first picture (Crying and clothes on!) and second (peaceful and no clothes!) hahaha Thanks for linking back to Carly's 2 months picture. So cute to see the difference between the two.
