Sunday, March 29, 2015

mom of 2

Being a mom of two is not what I expected. Yes, there are times when I'm nursing Emma and Carly wants me right at that moment. Which turns into her throwing a fit. Yes, there are times when they both need a diaper change. Those things I was ready for.

But there are some things that I didn't plan for. The amount of love that I have for both my girls. The amount of energy I am somehow given to get up in the middle of the night with Emma and the energy I am given to get up with Carly when she is up at seven in the morning. I never knew what exhausted truly meant.

There are some days when I get up in the morning and I know the things I need to get done that day and I think that there is no way that I can get everything done with also caring for two girls. Some days I feel all I do is nurse Emma and make sure Carly has her sippy cup of milk filled, diaper changes and all of us get naps.

There are days that I purposely don't get out the chocolate or ice cream because I don't feel like sharing with Carly. So I wait until she is in bed to eat it.

There are days that I couldn't imagine my life without Emma and Carly. Honestly, what would I do with myself. My heart, mind, and body are dedicated to my girls right now. My body because I nurse Emma. My mind because I am constantly thinking about them and how I can be a better mom. My heart because it is so full of love for them. Carly fell and scraped her hand the other day. I almost started crying because of how hurt she was. Another day Carly, on accident, hurt Emma. Like completely stepped on her arm. Emma let out this sad cry. Me, being a protective mom got mad at Carly for not being more careful. I know she didn't mean to, and she tries to be so gentle with Emma. But when my babies hurt, it literally hurts my heart.

I do love that I have two girls. I can already see their connection that they have as siblings and even better being two sisters. I hope they keep smiling at each other. I hope Carly is still obsessed with Emma when they are seven and five years old. Mind you, Emma is almost 3 months old. Carly is still completely obsessed with Emma. Jeremy and I thought that it would wear off. But Carly is still all about Emma. She gets so excited when we go somewhere, she says 'baby?' and wants to know if Emma is coming too. She gets so excited when Emma wakes up, she says 'eyes!' She gets so excited to help change Emma's diaper. She gets her own wipe so she can help. When Emma is on the floor, Carly will lay on her stomach and talk to Emma. It is the most precious thing! I love my two babies. :)

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