Sunday, January 24, 2016

to the handsome birthday boy

I wanted to write something to Jeremy for his birthday, I decided my blog would be a good place. 

Jeremy, there are no words to describe what you mean to me. 
You have taught me so much in just the last 6 years of knowing you. 

To name a few:
1. it's okay to be goofy
2. it's okay to be awkward
3. it's even better when you're both
4. crocs are the most comfortable shoes
5. cheap/free dates are the best
6. closing your eyes during prayer is optional
7. being kind always pays off
8. watching the 'prophet' on Sunday is fine
9. taking an hour of your day to focus on someone else is so simple
10. inviting people over for dinner is fun and doesn't have to be stressful
11. avocado toast is the bomb
12. nestle quik chocolate powder is way better than chocolate syrup
13. it's okay to fix spaghetti once a week for dinner
14. we can serve something other than pizza for Friday's dinner
15. Settlers of Catan is actually a fun game
16. keeping in touch with your siblings is better than facebook
17. calling someone to wish them a happy birthday means a whole lot
18. getting the cheapest flowers is the way to go
19. going with the flow is better than stressing out over little things
20. making goals for yourself isn't just a new years thing
21. loving you is the easy part

Jeremy and I at the Go Daddy Christmas party

Watching the Iowa vs. Michigan St. game at the Christmas party.

I love this picture. Matching pajamas. Smiling, happy babies. My sexy husband in his onesie pajamas!

I love you more even though:
you are so dang cheap
I throw your dirty socks down the laundry shoot more than once a week
you teach our daughter to fart on command
making me awkward is always on your to do list
you refuse to hang up your dang coat
you only will drive a cheap car
you don't fill up dirty dishes with hot water so they can soak
you snore
won't let me have more than one light on in the house
always switch the nice smelling soap as soon as our guest leave
always close the curtains as soon as you think the sun has gone down
waiting until you're out of deodorant to tell me you need more

Christmas lights!

First selfie with his selfie stick.

family picture with the selfie stick

Nauvoo Temple

unhappy babies and the Nauvoo Temple

Family picture on Jeremy's birthday.

Thank you for being my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, and the one I can always talk to. Thank you for being an honest, worthy priesthood holder and for always being a great example to me.
Thanks for doing this whole parenting thing with me and learning as we go. I want no other person beside me going through life, than you! I love you Jeremy Ryan Pitchforth.


  1. What a sweet tribute! Thanks for sharing--it brought a smile to my face multiple times! 😊

  2. Your list of reasons why you love Jeremy were great and brought back wonderful memories.

  3. This is so cute! Dana & I enjoyed them all. We laughed, esp at the things that drive you crazy. Funny.... you married someone with some of the 'habits' that used to annoy you about your dad & bros. ;).....
    We are SO glad you have Jeremy... bc that means we get him too!
