Tuesday, April 2, 2013

6 weeks old!

Carly is six weeks old today. There are a few cute stories that I can remember from this week. One morning Carly started to wake up. I could hear her start to moan and about to cry. She started to kick. She kicked just right that she turned on her slumber buddy. It plays music. As soon as she heard the music she stopped crying and went back to sleep. I sat up just to make sure that I heard everything right. Sure enough, she was sound asleep. I laughed and went back to sleep. Only for a few more minutes though. Then she was up.

Another cute story. Jeremy was burping Carly the other day. He was patting her back. She let out a big burp. Then sighed. It was super cute. It was like she was waiting for it to come and then she felt better after the burp.

I can't believe she is already six weeks old. It has been so much fun watching Carly grow. She loves her bath time. She has learned to kick in the water. She gets upset when she gets water in her eyes. Or when she tries to drink the water and starts to choke her. Then it makes her mad.

Carly loves being outside. We put her in the car seat and she gets mad. Then we take her outside to put her in the car and she stops crying. She loves being in the car. She falls asleep just about every time we take a ride. Carly also LOVES to snuggle. Which I am totally fine with. Because I LOVE holding her.

These are pictures that I took throughout the week.
Carly loves to hold her head up. It is sometimes hard to burp her because her head is looking around.

This is Carly on Easter Sunday. She is all ready for church in her new purple dress.

Our family on Easter Sunday.

"My First Easter" onesie. Carly wasn't very happy at first.

She loves wearing bows that I made her :)

She always has this scowl on her face. Especially when new people hold her. Sometimes she looks at me like this too.

I took this picture because this was MY outfit that I came home from the hospital in. :) She grew out of this super fast!

Carly loves watching Hunger Games with her Aunt Franki :)

"you know you're a dad when..." you have a diaper coupon in your wallet!! I found this in Jeremy's wallet and couldn't resist taking a picture.

Carly LOVES being outside. It was pretty nice outside on Saturday. I couldn't resist going on a walk!

Jeremy colored a yellow Easter egg for Uncle Clayton who is on a mission.
Jeremy colored an Easter egg for Uncle Talon who is also serving a mission.

Our family coloring eggs. This was Carly's first time coloring eggs! She slept right through it.

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