Wednesday, September 17, 2014

24 at 24!

Yes. I am 24 years old at 24 weeks pregnant. haha. 

I was up at 4 this morning because I heard Carly crying for a few minutes. She fell back to sleep. Just when she fell back to sleep the baby started kicking. I don't ever get mad by staying awake when the baby kicks. It's my favorite part of being pregnant. Feeling this baby kick! So I sit here and say goodbye to Jeremy as he heads off to work. I am catching up on my show Dancing With the Stars and updating our blog. 

I had my 24 week checkup yesterday afternoon. I got another ultrasound because last ultrasound my placenta was really low. The doctor said everything looks great now. The placenta has moved and so has baby. Yay! Good news. She gave me more pictures of baby from the ultrasound and baby has a little bit of chub on her cheeks now! :)

Sleep: If I don't take naps during the day I have found that I sleep so much better at night. Some days, I just need a nap though. We have been going to bed at about 9:30-10pm! It has been so nice. 

Eat: I like to eat pretty much about anything. Some days I can't get enough salty foods. Other days all I think is 'chocolate! chocolate!' 

Best: Best part of being pregnant right now is that people are noticing I'm pregnant and that I don't just have a belly. haha. For a few weeks people just stared. Now they are asking when I'm due. Or they look at me like I'm crazy as I carry out my kicking and screaming toddler from the store in one hand and bags of groceries in the other hand. haha. Oh how I love my life. 

Worst: I want my cute normal clothes to fit. But they don't. Mostly my church skirts. I finally just packed them all away so I don't even have to see them. 

Energy level: I feel some days I can go go go. Other days I could sleep all day. I remind myself, I am growing a baby... Don't feel lazy. 

Weight: I have gained 23 pounds. 

Baby Size: She is the size of an ear of corn.


  1. You are so cute as a pregnant lady! Well, and all of the time! You're doing great and I am happy for you. And my favorite part of pregnancy was always feeling the baby move inside of me. Everything else...nah! I could do without the rest. :) Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  2. this is so cute and fun to read. Thanks! ;) (btw.. you look adorable!)
