Sunday, September 14, 2014

little person

This past week Carly has looked like a little person.  I have captured a few of these moments in some pictures.
Carly was 'talking' on her fake phone and I told her that we were ready to go. She threw her cell phone in this .xyz bag and ran out the door. hahahaha. 

This is how she eats her cereal every morning. On her tray in the living room. She eats a ton by feeding herself. 

We are definitely going back to this HyVee. It has little carts. She was in heaven. The whole time she just followed me pushing her cart. 

Best $10 from KOHLS!!!
Last week we were in Kohls with daddy. He showed Carly the toy section and she carried this baby around the whole time. Before we left we put it back. I took her back on Thursday by myself to spend the $10 I got in an email from Kohls. She went straight for the toys and kept saying baby. I was so confused until she went and grabbed this baby and headed for the front. I had already looked for clothes three separate times and couldn't find anything. So why not make her happy??!!! Carly carried this all through HyVee and Joann Fabrics. haha. 

Definitely love her high chair! It comes apart like this so she can sit and eat and use it as a table. We use it for her to color. She can climb up on the chair all by herself and pull the table close to color.

We got a package in the mail. She wanted to carry it. haha.

Sometimes we match shoes :) I paid 59 cents for her's and $1 for mine! score. (Michaels and Old Navy)

This was the day at Kohls with daddy. She carried both babies around just saying baby the whole time. haha. We didn't buy either baby this day.

Another day we matched shoes. She got her's from Aunt Kellie :) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I don't know how I missed this post, but ADORABLE! She is so darling. And I love the things you share about your days with her. And bonus: matching flip flops! So fun!! You are a good mommy.
