Monday, July 18, 2016

This girl always find dirt. And it always end up everywhere!

Happy Emma in the morning. She is most happy when greeted first by Carly.
I love the bond that they have as sisters already.
It is so fun to watch.

This was NOT the best store outing experience I've ever had. 

Both girls were tired, hungry, and hot.

These two love to find sticks and run up our neighbors yard while I swing on his swing.
One of their favorite things to do outside.

Splash pad fun!
Emma sad 85% of the time with me eating grapes.
Something about older kids dumping her water bucket out
for the 100th time doesn't make her happy.

She was quite content eating popsicles though.

Totally their relationship right now.
Carly: "Emma open your mouth"
Emma opens her mouth and laughs hysterically.

Carly looks so huge to me in this picture!
She has grown so much in the last few months and it makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

She insisted on carrying our sand toys. home.
She didn't make it far but she sure was determined!

Matchy sisters for church.

Horsey rides at its finest. hahahaha

This is her guilty face.
She was so upset I took a picture with her standing there.
While I was back in my room getting ready for the day Carly yells "mom! come here!"
I come out to a whole packet of oatmeal dumped on the kitchen floor.
I went and got the vacuum out and Carly insisted on she doing it.
Carly is awesome!

My two biggest helpers at the store.
They love standing in the cart and loading the conveyer belt with our groceries.

Fire in back yard. CHECK!
One of the things on our summer to do list was to roast marshmallows in our fire pit. 

I would say it was a success!

She took one bite and then saw that there was a whole bag of marshmallows she wanted to eat instead. 


  1. Such a fun pots!
    I can't believe how big they both are getting.
    Love the last picture with the smore aftermath on Emma's face.
    TOO CUTE <3
