Sunday, March 20, 2016

squirrels, dad's toenails & lucky charms

There was a squirrel on our porch banister! 

Emma loves to see the squirrels too!

Daddy let Carly paint his toenails. She was so excited he said yes!

Eating some lucky charms on St. Patrick's Day.
Both girls just picked out the marshmallows and ate them. Stinkers.

I love the snuggles after this girl gets up from a nap.

And she's off! 

They love their little Fred Flintstone car.
Emma just had a turn and is giving Carly a turn now.

Teaching Carly how to ride this car the right way!
Feet up so someone can push you.

Helping me with my daily read. She is the cutest distraction.

Our weekly picture with the Target dog.
Carly was so excited to be getting her picture and hugging that dog.
Emma was planning her run from mom.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Love all these cute pics and stories (esp Emma planning her run from her mommy.).
