Monday, August 21, 2017

One day last week we headed to Coralville to do some shopping.
This was a horrible mistake. I get super anxious really easily, and it quadruples my anxiety when I'm pregnant.
We went to the bathroom five times! And it wasn't even Emma (who is pretty much potty trained) it was Carly! Ah. We went to the bathroom at TJ Maxx, Target, in the mall, and twice in Costco.

We seriously sat down with our two items that we purchased at Costco, and with all of our food for lunch, Carly looks at me and says, I need to go to the bathroom! Like really bad mommy. I didn't get a cart because we just had a few things to grab. Oh my goodness. So I left them for two seconds to run and grab a cart and load all of our food from the food court we just bought into our cart to run down and go to the bathroom again! I was shaking and such a mess by the time we got home. 

It was nap time. There might have been a little melt down in Costco because timing wasn't perfect with nap time and walking around Costco.

I was scrubbing the bath tub Thursday and they asked if they could help. I gave them each a magic eraser and they scrubbed some for me! 

This little mean muggin face. haha It is her 'mean face' but she can't help but smile when she does it.

We had play group at our house on Friday. The weather has been so unpredictable so we could play inside or outside! Outside it was and it was so nice! They spent most of their time playing duck, duck, goose on the trampoline. I love having a fenced in back yard and I love having a trampoline.

We went to a park with the girls. They rode their bikes all the way around and we stopped half way to swing and play on the merry go round.

Carly doesn't like taking her Elsa bike (without training wheels) she insists on the balance bike. But she is super fast and has so much confidence with it, so we don't mind.

That's one way to use the steering wheel Emma.

Pink dress, pink sunglasses, pink bike, pink shoes, and a pink helmet. 

Saturday morning shows with Dad.

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